About Appletta

“Believing is important. You don’t have to believe in Fairies.
But when you believe — whatever you believe in —
you help that be true.”


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The secret is Appletta Tooth Fairy … she is snazzy, chipper, and oh-so-wise.

Shay, Woodbridge, VA

  • Appletta is fun! Appletta is imaginative! Appletta is a wise friend who understands feelings and challenging experiences. Her stories often offer a cheerful Fairy point of view on such matters.
  • Pull out a Letter to suit the moment — for the emotional health of your family. The Letters are not a self-help manual for children. But Appletta, like any good friend, sometimes likes to chat
    about deep and important things.


We think of make-believe as “opening the door to creative belief.”

In a state of “creative belief’’ we may not KNOW if something is “true,”
but we open ourselves to acting as if it is true. In that open, creative state, who knows….

Opening the door. Opening our minds and hearts and spirits. What could be more important?

Make-believe can also be viewed as an exercise. We exercise our awareness. We exercise our
creativity. We stretch our capacity for being vital and alive. Parents, who actively seek to create a safe environment for make-believe, help to relieve the effects of growing up in an information-oriented and fast-paced world.

“You know, Mom … I believe in Santa Claus, and I kinda believed in Fairies, but I REALLY believe in Fairies now!!!”

Trace, Kansas City, MO

In make-believe we become receptive, connected, flexible and open. We can reach beyond expectations… Make-believe is important! It is an exercise in being more aware, more alive, more creative. In this information-oriented, fast paced and technology ridden world, it is important to try to protect the creative space in which a child can have make-believe.

Thank you for the brilliance that is Appletta! What a gift of *sparkle* you bring with your magical and incredibly inspired letters. A tradition that has become more about money is finally seeing a revival in MAGIC ! ! !

Trace, Kansas City, MO

Appletta can help create a space for imagination in your family. Appletta’s stories are a delight for the entire family. The shared pleasure in Appletta’s world helps to create a safe space for the child to enjoy Appletta’s stories and run with them … to dream magical dreams, to peer more closely into the natural world in order to discover wonders — all kinds of wonders!

““It is so sweet to watch the two of them become so connected through Appletta. For a boy and a girl, four years apart in age, to find something they can relate to and share together is really a treat for us all.””

Antoinette of Ridgefield, CT

Appletta is a Tooth Fairy, that’s her job. You can call on her to bring depth and richness
to a ritual that is often reduced to the giving of cash.

““The letters are NOT just about teeth!
They are about honoring the uniqueness in every child!””

Trace, Kansas City, MO

Hide Appletta’s letters in “Fairy places.”
Let them appear on the most special (or UNspecial) days.

Make-Believe makes for the development of a healthy, intelligent, creative adult.
Make-Believe is IMPORTANT!

Please call 800.723.0336 or email — to learn more about Appletta.
Letters from Appletta Tooth Fairy - Blue Set

Blue Set for First Child

Letters from Appletta Tooth Fairy - Green Set

Green Set for Sibling

Appletta’s Book

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