Rosenberry Books blog

“…about honoring the uniqueness in every child!”

Thank you for the brilliance that is Appletta! What a gift of *sparkle* you bring with your magical and incredibly inspired letters. A tradition that has become more about money is finally seeing a revival in MAGIC!!!

I have told everyone I know about Appletta (and so has my daughter!) — my younger daughter is eager to receive letters from her Tooth Fairy too! I can’t wait to receive my “Green Set” package!!!

When I first learned of you through, I wasn’t necessarily shopping for Tooth Fairy alternatives, but when I found you!!!! WOW! Ideas about celebrating my children’s rites of passage with delight welled up within me — there is no going back now!!!

The letters are NOT just about teeth! They are about honoring the uniqueness in every child!

Although we are using the first few letters for loose-teeth-related purposes, I intend to intersperse them with other “nature” gifts from Appletta.

Appletta has certainly taken on a life of her own in our household — we have now begun an heirloom family tradition. Thank you!

I have read letters in the Blue Set, as well as the incredible book, Appletta Tooth Fairy and the Whirligigs.

Both my husband and I decided to let “nature take its course” and allow serendipity and synchronicity a hand at picking which letters come next — so we can delight in the discovery as well!

Thank you for your BRILLIANCE!!!!

In love and light,
Trace and family!

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